ECMp 355 blog spot
I certainly believe that I have been called to teach.  Something I believe in is that everything happens for a reason and everyone has a reason and purpose for being here. 

My purpose is to teach others.  Ever since I can remember I have wanted to be a teacher.  There was never a doubt in my mind that this is what I wanted to do.

As of lately, I am starting to have doubts on my ability to teach others because I am questioning my knowledge that I am supposedly coming out of the faculty of education with.

I look back on all that I have learned (theories, theorists, what to, how to, and what not to do).  So much information has been laid in my hands and it is soon going to be up to me how I use that knowledge.

I found this picture on pinterest while I was looking for some inspiration.  This picture fits perfectly into how I am feeling lately and has reminded me that I am exactly where  I am supposed to be.

I thank all of my professors and teachers I have had these past years who have led me to this point.

It is scary to think about growing up, closing this chapter in my life and starting a new one.  But I know that this profession is for me because I was called.

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